
Table of Results

Team NameRankingTrue Positive RateFalse PositivesEconomic score (Euro)
Under Pressure1st65.22%4€260,562
IRI (*)3rd43.47%1€210,772
Table of results and ranking. The score has been updated to include IRI in the 3rd position, see Update 8/9/2020.


  • 18 Teams participated the competition
  • 13 countries, including: Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Rep. of Korea, the Netherlands, UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain


  1. ArtesiaTeam: Artesia Consulting (UK)
  2. Cheng00: KAUST (SA), Harbin Institute of Technology (CN)
  3. CIACUA: Universidad de los Andes (CO)
  4. Cubalylitcs_GmbH: Cubalytics (DE)
  5. DandW: Kunming University of Science and Technology (CN), Guangdong University of Technology (CN)
  6. DHI-China: DHI China (CN)
  7. DHI-SG: DHI Water & Environment (SG)
  8. FluING: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (BR), University of Campinas (BR), IngeniousWare (DE), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (SP)
  9. InfraSenseLabs: Imperial College (UK)
  10. IRI: Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (SP), UPC (SP), IMT Lille Douai (FR)
  11. KU_Hydrosystem: Korea University (KR)
  12. Leakbusters: TU Berlin (DE), NC State University (USA), Einstein Center Digital Future (DE)
  13. Tongji-Team: Tongji University (CN)
  14. Tsinghua_team: Tsinghua University (CN)
  15. Under_Pressure: TU Delft (NL), 3S Consult (DE), INRAE (FR)
  16. UNIFE: Università degli Studi di Ferrara (IT)
  17. Wu_BSY: Bentley Systems (USA)
  18. Zhiyun0601: Zhejiang University (CN), Industrial Technology Research Institute of Zhejiang University (CN)